World Urban Forum WUF11 – form 26 June

2022-06-28 Share the article with your friends:

The World City Forum will take place in Katowice from 26 to 30 June. This is one of the few events of its kind organised in Poland. The GZM invites all those interested in new technologies, especially unmanned aerial vehicles, to Katowice. The event will focus on a specially prepared cultural zone, but its reach will encompass many locations in Katowice.

The schedule of the event is as follows:

  1. On 28 June 2022, the event “Cities Ready for the Third Dimension of Mobility” will take place, during which the organizer plans numerous workshops.
    Location: WUF11 Main Zone, MCK, Katowice
  2. On June 29, 2022, the event “The third dimension of cities will take place. Demo Day. DRONIADA”. This is an open-air event. There will be panel discussions and the decision of the Droniade competition.
    Location: Muchowiec Airport in Katowice
  3. On 29.06.2022 r. takes place the event “Drones 2050. What went wrong”., in which numerous workshops will take place.
    Location: Muchowiec Airport in Katowice
  4. On 30.06.2022 the event “Conditions for Urban Drones – Social Acceptance” will take place, with the opportunity to participate in numerous exciting workshops.
    Location: RAWA.INK – Katowice

The website is operated as part of the programme of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science – Social Responsibility of Science.

The project is carried out by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

Project name: Law of new technologies – drones, electromobility. Innovation, development, security.

The state-funded project was accepted for funding in the context of a competition launched by the Minister of Education and Science on 8 March 2021 as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science” programme.

Value of aid: PLN 235,087,00. Total cost of the project: PLN 265.087,00

The aim of the project is to promote scientific research in the field of the law of new technologies by disseminating knowledge of the legislation on unmanned aerial vehicles – drones – in particular their operation, design, the obligations of operators and pilots, the obligations of public actors in the field of electromobility and the support mechanisms for users.

Project manager: Dr. Maciej Szmigiero


The law of new technologies – drones, electromobility. Innovation, development, safety.

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